Uganda 2023 Day 4

Uganda 2023 Day 4

I woke up early to watch the sunrise. I was able to FaceTime  my mom and we watched the sunrise together. We did not have breakfast scheduled until 9, so I started packaging meds while waiting for people to wake up. By the time breakfast happened, Mark and Ashley were also helping. We got a few big bottles packaged, but still have a lot to package. For breakfast, we had eggs, bacon, toast, pineapple, watermelon, and bananas. Mark and I did dishes as people were finishing. Alma came to help, but noticed one of our cooks had an arm injury. She and Dr David helped her clean and wrap it. When we were finished, I joined Jen, Destanie, Mark, Nick, Lany, and Ashley package more meds until our team meeting.

Our meeting went a little late, so we hurried to grab anything we needed and headed to Destiny Orphanage and School. The secondary classes had national testing, so we were not able to stay. We were there to pick up the world changers. Although, we did sing and dance with the kids for a little bit as they were on lunch break. When the world changers were ready, we loaded back in the vehicles and went to the rehabilitation center. When the world changers were very little, they lived at the rehab center for some time before God started working in a few people’s hearts. With the help of those people they were moved to destiny orphanage and school. They are now close to graduating and said yes to going to the rehab center and sharing their stories with the young people who are there now. The rehab center no longer takes young kids. The youngest they said they take is 12 years old. While at the rehab center, Pastor George (maybe 17 hrs old) lead what they did. He started off by preaching and singing praises to God. He has such a gift for preaching and an amazing voice. Next about 6 of them shared their testimony. They did so good and Joanne later said that she had never heard some of them talk in front of groups. Then they played a song and the guy dancing kept pulling different people out to the floor to dance with him. Alma was the first he chose. When Radost was pulled out she went all out in her dancing. It made me smile since I did not expect that from her. She is so quiet and sweet. I was glad I was in the second row of seats and did not get pulled to the dance floor. Next, Pastor George had Tony say a few words and he did and “alter call.” So many young men raised their hands to accept Christ. It was great to see! We also had a couple gifts for them. First we handed out sweeties and right before we walked out, Joanne announced the second gift the principal approve was two new fútbols. I have never heard a louder cheer in my life than when these you men heard this. 

From here we drove to the basketball court by destiny. We had lunch with the world changers. Although, we did not have enough peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I gave mine up because I had snacks in my bag. We then handed out new tennis shoes, towels, toiletries, and other gifts to the world changers. I love to watch how these young people love Joanne and she loves them back even more. Her face is more lit up and her smile even bigger. 

Next, we went back to the guest house. We had a dinner of chicken, potatoes and gravy, veggies, and avocado. Then we went back to packaging pills for the rest of the night.

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