Uganda 2023 Day 15

Uganda 2023 Day 15

Today we headed back to Kampala. I rode in Sam’s car this time with Tony, Nick, Jody, and Denise. When we left the lodge, we stopped at the top of the falls. The other group was with us too as they were part of Martin’s group and actually stay a little bit down the hill from us. The water was so high and so much more powerful than last year. I took a group picture for the other group and then we also got a group picture. It was wonderful to spend a few minutes at the top of the fall. I was looking at the power of the water and thinking of how powerful God is. Awhile after we left we started passing a bunch of baboons. We passed a huge troop of probably 20+. A couple yards from them our car made a loud noise. The drive shaft came off and needed a bolt. The guys and Dr Davis decided to try to tie it in place, but when they moved the car, they were not happy with it. So, we left sam behind with the car and crammed into other cars. I was able to ride with the other team. I made sure to tell the driver, Benjamin, he had to keep me safe otherwise, Ema would not be happy with him. I was seated next to Francine and we talked on and off during the drive. I also was able to talk to everyone else at times. Every once in a while Benjamin would ask me if I was doing ok. 

When we stopped to get gas for all three vehicles, I saw my team buying snacks. I decided to go in and buy ice cream bars for all the drivers and one for myself. If I was not watching the landscape, I was talking with Francine or l trying to write my blog for yesterday. Next thing I know we made it to the restaurant we eat at for lunch. Martin let them know we were coming so they had a buffet ready for us. It had chapatti, chicken, rice, fries and salad. Joanne said that Martin said we could wait for the other car as he was an hour behind us. That way we could be comfortable in the vehicles. She declined because we all just wanted to be back at the house. Benjamin is a fast driver and had to stop to wait for Martin and Ema to catch up. He happened to stop and park in a driveway across from a primary school. The kids came over and we got pictures of them. A couple of the boys were trying to drop mangos out of the tree by throwing stuff at them. I asked Benjamin if we could open the top of the van and pick some. We did and threw them down to the kids. Then I did not know what to do because they were just looking at us. So, I taught them the fish song that Lany showed us during Sunday school and in Karamoja. We had just enough time to do it twice before I saw our cars. The rest of the trip back to the house to a long time. We finally made it to Jesu Akwagala church where the group was staying. Benjamin offered to drive me the rest of the way to our guest house, but I decided to walk. I could not breathe by the time I got to my guest house. It was at the top of the hill above the church. The rest of the team had already made it, but had taken a different back road from how we drove. The rest of the night was dinner, packing, and games. 

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