Uganda 2017 Day 6

Today we went to a rehabilitation center. When we arrived, we met with the two main people, Jane and Geoffrey. They told us a little about the place, but most of it was said when we did our tour around some of their grounds. We learned kids to old for school sew clothes to make money. I think that is what Jane told us. They have a hospital on sight and a maternity house for the young ladies that have their babies while they are there. They teach these young moms how to raise their baby. They also lead the girls in how to pick a husband they love. They don’t want them to marry a guy just because he says he likes or loves her. They want the girl to marry a guy because they truly love each other and are able to show that to each other. For the other kids, they are taught some life skills. Such as welding, woodwork (there was a beautiful stand hand made in this room), and agriculture. Some even go to school. Jane took us down to see the animals. They have somewhere around 40 pigs, 8 cows, and maybe 8 chickens that I saw. The kids do live here and the rooms are separated by age. This is very helpful for keeping the older kids from picking on the younger kids. At night the have a group counseling session with each age/gender group. They have the kids talk out their feelings before bed so there is no fighting because of hard feelings toward each other. I am so impressed with how they take care of so many kids and have made it to the point that they think of these things to reduce fights. It is a good technique for many things back home too. Jane, the lady who gave us the tour is so amazing. You could see her live for the children as we walked around and as she talked about them. She runs the admissions office, counsels the 12-13 year olds, and sleeps in the dorms with the girls. I don’t think God could have put a better person at the rehabilitation center than Jane. She has an amazing heart!
After our tour, we had worship. Some of the kids danced with us, but almost all of them sang along. My favorite was when we sang Good, Good Father. I could hear all of them singing so loud! It was awesome! I was even right next to the band and a monitor. Kaitlyn, Andrew G and Alex all gave messages to these kids. Alex had not planned to, but God gave him a message for the kids. Aaron, our driver/ translator, told them that the place they are in now is just a place of transition. Just like when the city church (aka us) flew to Uganda and Dubai was our transition place. It was not our destination. Were were just there on our way to Uganda. Just like Dubai for us the rehabilitation center was not their destination. It was just a transition stop along the way. Wow! That can be applied to so much in our lives!
When everyone was done speaking, the boys went outside for games and we kept the girls inside. I had been given the idea to sew stuff for the kids in Uganda and have people sponsor sending these items along with me. After talking to Denise a year before she sent me a kit that she suggested as something useful for the girls in Uganda. She told me if it was to hard that I did not have to, but it was a suggestion. When I got it in the mail, I opened it and so it was a menstruation kit. I immediately said yes. I knew it was going to be hard and I would need to get people to help me and supplies donated. Long story short with the help of many people we got 103 menstruation kits made. We probably could have done more, but they are very time consuming. I am so thankful that Cassie was able to help cut fabric and put finished pieces into kits together with me. Well, to get back on track we were able to give these amazing young ladies these kits. Cassie explained how to use them and what all the pieces are for while I held them up. I was so excited with the girls actually asked questions! We had them line up in two lines. Older girls on the side that had the kits with larger underwear in it and the younger with the smaller underwear in it. They were so thankful. Most of them immediately opened their bags when they sat back down. We spoke to the girls a little longer and then had to be done because it was their lunch time. When our group went to lunch, Hannah looked out the window and one of the girls smiled really big at here and waved her kit at Hannah. I am so excited to have been a part of this life changing moment for the girls!!!
Then we headed back to the guest house. The power was out when we arrived, but dinner was almost ready. Mama Esther gave us a rice stir fry thing, rolls, and salad. Her food tastes so good! We went back to quality and the coffee shop after dinner for a little while too. We found Brian and his whole family eating dinner at the coffee shop. When we got home the power was back on. Some of the team played cards, but I went to my room to catch up on my journaling before I forgot everything then went to sleep.

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