Uganda 2015: Day 2

Last night we made it to our hotel in time to get on a tour bus that drove around town. The prices of apartments in Dubai are crazy! I think the least expensive started at $1,000,000! The hotels were the same. I think the hotel that started off the least expensive was $800-$13,000 per night per person. I think my favorite part was when we stopped at the Arabian Sea! We got out to take pictures of the building that looks like a sail from a sail boat. That did not satisfy us with the beach right there. So we took a couple pictures of the building then took off our shoes and ran to the water! I got to put my feet in the water! It was so warm. Kinda reminded me of being in the ocean while I was in El Salvador. We drove by car dealerships and all the cars were inside the building not outside. I am so thankful, they let us out at some of the buildings. At first I thought we were just going to drive by and take pictures. In Dubai 80% of the people are foreigners and 20% native. There were so many interesting facts, but it is hard to remember on 30 min of sleep in 30ish hours.the second best part was probably the spontaneous group pictures that typically started with a couple of us then we were all in.

This morning something amazing happened! Five of us were starting to walk from the lobby into the breakfast room and I saw this guy sitting in a couch that looked like someone I knew. I have not seen this guy for a few years. Probably ever since him and his family moved to England when I was in high school. I was nervous to walk up to someone who could be a random person to ask, but I asked one of the adults, Jodie, if I should. Thankfully, she said yes because it was him!!! I just asked if his name was Rick J. and he said it was! It was so crazy! We got to talk for a couple minutes before him and the two guys with him had to leave for their flight. Sometimes it amazes me how small this world actually is!

Our time at the airport and the flight we uneventful. We just talked to each other and actually acted awake! When we landed in Uganda we were greeted by familiar faces. Mama Eva, Aaron, Martin, and Henry were all there! Until the moment I saw them and gave them hugs, it did not feel real that I was back. We loaded all our bags into a big truck and ourselves into two vans and the bus that broke down last year. They got the engine fixed a week ago. Half way to the mission house the bus just stopped. This was not good! Aaron tried to get it to start again, but could not. About 6 of our team members from the bus were able to ride in the other vans. I decided to stay behind so that most of the first time people could go. They could not get the bus to work. Instead we got a taxi van. These vans are so well used. I thought the floor was going to rot out from under me. The funny part was when Aaron jumped in the drivers seat and took off. Don’t worry, the driver was in the van too. Justin and Alisha (married), who are on their first trip, asked me so many questions. It felt so good that I could actually answer them.

When we got back they were just pulling out the last suit case from the truck. We got a rundown of rules and regulations before getting our room assignments. This year my room is upstairs. My roommates are Algena, Yelena, Kelsey, and Kristi. My favorite part was defiantly dinner! Mama Esther makes the best food. We had spaghetti, salad, and bread. Then we prepared everything for the next day.

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