Kenya 2024 Day 3

Today I woke up very early and tried to fall back asleep. As I had no luck after a long time, I showered. It did not take long, but when I got out everyone was awake and downstairs. We all scrounged for breakfast. I had one of the chicken packets with ritz that I brought and Tucker cut a mango and gave me half. We walked to Aaron and Dama’s to have morning devotions before lunch. Last night Aaron asked me to lead. Even if it was something short. I was too tired to go into depth, but read Ephesians 2:19-22. it mentions you are no longer a stranger or foreigners, but citizens with all believers. Also that Christ is the cornerstone. That we need him to be held together. We are all a family when we accept him no matter where we live, so we should act as if we are and bring new people in. We talked a little about the passage.

we did home and church visits today, but for people’s safety, I am not writing about it in my blog. Feel free to ask me in person

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