Kenya 2024 Day 2

Today I woke up and decided to organize my suitcases. I just threw stuff in them before and kept rearranging to disperse weight after adding the kid supplies. I sent Aaron a message asking if he was coming here with the team or going to his house. Because he said he would be coming her, I told him I would just stay here until they arrived as the gate and door are locked. Later he texted stating he was in traffic and to go to his house. I was talking to my mom and then Katie at this point, so I did not leave right away. When I arrived at their house one of the girls has come out and seen me before I was at the gate. She said they tried to get me earlier in the morning. I thought I heard someone at the gate, but did not see anything and was also hearing noises at the neighbors houses, so I did not think long about it. Dana served moon cake, that zuri made for a school project and breakfast that morning, and fruit for breakfast. She said it was dry because she tripled the batch and had to cook it to long. I thought it was good, but I guess I don’t know what to compare it to. I was not there long when Aaron called Dama and the girls ran the guest house keys over so they could get in. They came over and had breakfast with us. They looked so exhausted. Margaret looked the most awake out of everyone. They all ended up going back to the house to sleep for a little bit. 

I was going to go back to the house with them, but Dama asked if I wanted to go shopping with her. So, Amana, zuri, and I went along. We drove to the butchery, the grocery store, and to get their 5 gallon bottles of water refilled. The girls were telling me how they hate the smell in the butchery. Amana was telling me she does not plug her nose, but only breathes through her mouth and Zuri was plugging her nose. When we got water, the girls were telling me how the guy is funny and as he loads the bottles back in the car he says 1 bottle when he puts one in and 3 bottles when he puts the second in. Then he is always saying one more bottle than he loaded. That was exactly what happened. The girls kept trying to correct him too. You could tell he likes the girls and enjoyed teasing them and how desperate they are for him to count correct. He had a big smile and a sparkle in his eyes every time he brought a new bottle. Dama showed me where her and Aaron lived after they were first married and told me a little about the area. I decided I like the driving here better than Uganda because there are less boda bodas. 

Back at the house, I played hide and seek and tag with all three girls, Neima, Amana, and Zuri. It was so much fun. Mike and Margaret showed up when things were winding down. The girls were making fun of Mike because he was falling asleep on the chair while sitting up. Then he made a game out of it. He would pretend to sleep and then grab them when they got close. All the giggles brought so much joy. They played until lunch and then zuri took my phone and was playing with it. She was looking at pictures and videos. Then she recorded videos to teach people how to pose and smile for a camera. It was adorable. At this time, a few guys showed up for an online class that Mike joined. The piano teacher also arrived for lessons with Neima and Amana. I suddenly realized it was 3p and they guys were not there yet. So, Margaret, the girls and I went to wake them up. Tucker had fallen asleep on the couch and Rudy was asleep in the room. When Tucker went to wake Rudy up, the girls asked why his eyes were red. I thought it was cute. I just told them it was because he was so sleepy and just woke up. It turns out that he slept for about 3 hours and Rudy slept about 5 hours. 

The next thing we did was go to church. This week is the week they do prayer. We went to churchhills house for this. The kids played downstairs while we were in the living room. The prayers were done by ACT. Adoration, confession, and thankfulness. We would read a passage, sing a song, and pray for which ever letter of ACT we were on. Then we split into groups and prayed for each other. I really enjoyed this. From here we went back to Aaron and Dama’s house did dinner and then going to bed at the guest house.

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