Uganda 2024 Day 13

Today we were able to sleep in a little. After breakfast we went to the top of Murchison falls. Martin wanted me to ride in the front seat with him again. He asked all of us for our highlights from the trip stating we could have up to 5. It was fun to hear all the highlights and how they were all different in someway from each other. It is not a long drive to the top of the fall. I was excited to see Murchison fall because of how powerful the water below was the day before. When we arrived I could not believe it. There was so much water and power compared to before. There were rock islands we sat on in the past and a lower level to walk to. Some of the fencing was even missing on that level. After talking some photos, I walked up the the top level. There was so much water from the spray of the fall that there was a river flowing down the walking path. It was so beautiful up there. I stayed for a while and took photos for some of the girls and came down soaked. I actually was able to wring out my skirt and shirt. We were not there long, but I was in so much awe of the power in that water. I said to Sydney, “isn’t it amazing to see God’s power of the water and his gentleness in the sunset just in a few hours of each other?” I don’t understand how people don’t believe in God sometimes. About 30 minutes into our drive, Martin remembered a request he made for us on our way into the park. He wanted us to sing our favorite worship songs. Mine is an old song, but not a hymn, so I told the girls they might not know it. I started singing “Jesus Lover of my Soul” and was surprised to hear Martin and Lolita start singing it. I was happy Shraddha had a hymn as her favorite. The drive was going to be long, so at one point I connected my phone to Martin’s speaker and played worship music. It was great to look behind me and see Sydney sitting their worshipping God with her whole heart. She is such a precious and spirit filled young lady. Martin had everyone in both vehicles looks at a menu he sent to us and order our lunch so it would be ready when we arrived to the restaurant. Our plans changed and instead of sitting there, we got it to go. This way we could be back to the house at a decent time. I was not very hungry so I just ordered chips and guacamole. It was so good! Not far from the restaurant, a huge monitor lizard ran out in the road in front of us. I thought no matter what Martin decided to do he would probably hit it. He said he did not know what to do, so he tried to keep it between his tires and hope it did not move unless it got off the road in time. Surprisingly, to both of us, he missed it somehow. It had to have turned its body sideways because there is no way it would have fit between the tires without doing that.  About an hour away from the guest house we came across a crazy rainstorm. The wind was blowing branches off the trees and I could hardly see through the window a couple times. Martin did a great job and I could hardly tell there were such strong wind gusts. He said this kind of storm only happens 1 time a year. 

We finally made it back to the house. It was nice to walk around for a little bit, but I learned we were going to quality of anyone wanted to. I decided to just for fun, but had no plans to buy anything. So, I walked around with Sydney. The problem is she pointed out Nutella. I ended up buying three small jars for three of the guys that help us so much. She bought chocolate for the ladies who are always in the kitchen making the masses food. When we arrived back to the house, John Basco was there. It was good to have the chance to see him again. Linda has also arrived with the clothes we ordered for her. We all tried on our clothes and had a mini fashion show. It was so fun and the patters and styles were perfect for each person. I love my dress and skirt! After dinner, Joanne had me grab supplies from the kids suitcase to use in Kenya. I did that quickly and then spent a small amount of time with John Basco. It was hard to say goodbye, but I will see him again next year. I stayed up until around 11 talking to Shraddha in our room while she packed. Then I got a little over an hour of sleep before I woke up to say goodbye to the team.

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