Uganda 2024 Day 11

Today we woke up early. I helped with breakfast a little, but mama Esther sent me to take what was ready of the toast and have the group start eating. After breakfast, we said goodbye to the boys and left for safari. They had to finish loading all the kitchen supplies and then drove back to Kampala. JoAnne had me ride in the front of Martin’s car to help keep him awake. I think this is the first time I have ridden in his car on the way to safari. He gave us a history lesson about Uganda at first and then took a break so everyone could try to sleep. At the second gas station we stopped at, we went in and bought snacks. I bought ice cream for Sam and Martin while we were there. It was really good! Martin was also eating bananas. He kept asking people if they wanted any during the whole drive. I think he ended up eating 7 or 8. I threw the banana peels out the window when he was done. He says it is nature and needs to return to nature. At one point during the drive, we had to pull over and stop for a bunch of police cars. Martin said it was the presidential convoy, but the president was not in any of the vehicles. He said they could be going to Moroto. Once we were almost to Murchison Falls Park, Martin also gave us a lesson about the park. It was established in 1952 and is oldest park on Uganda. Where we will do the boat ride is on the Nile river. This section of the Nile river is called the Victoria nile because the water comes from Lake Victoria. After that it is called the Albert Nile because of lake Albert. Then for the rest of the river it is called the white Nile. He gave some great info, but I can’t remember much. Not long before we arrived in the park, Connor said he saw a lion. We did not go back to check because we were running late. He is really good at finding animals. Once we were in the park, we saw so many animals. Even elephants and giraffes from afar. It was so fun to be around everyone’s excitement. All the first time trip were with me. After lunch, Ruthie and I went in the pool for about 20 minutes. It felt so good! Then we went out for safari. The best part of the safari is the elephant that was probably 15 feet from us. There were a bunch of giraffe too. When we got back, we showered and went to bed at a decent time.

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