Uganda 2034 Day 5

This morning a few of our Ugandan doctors and lab tech met us at the house and had breakfast and morning worship with us. The worship time was amazing. Joanne asked the people who speak different languages to sing the song we were doing in that language. We had some sing in Bulgarian, ASL, and Luganda. It was such a beautiful moment. I am glad JoAnn prioritizes worship and prayer before clinic. When we finished, we left for our first day of clinic in Katwe. I sat next to Dr Richard on the way there. It was good to catch up with him! He has an amazing dream he would like to fulfill. He decided to go back to university, but after he wants to go to other countries and see how their hospitals and clinics  work so he can bring in other ideas for the clinic he wants to open. He wants a private practice where he can be a missionary to people who don’t have insurance or funds for medical help. I pray that God provides all he needs to make this dream come true. He also asked questions about my office and how my life was, but hearing his heart was encouraging. 

For clinic I was at church service. We met as a group up front and Jodie gave us general info. Then Spencer asked Grace, one of the interpreters, what some songs would be that the people might know. He played the first song and we sang it. Then it became an impromptu time of worship. It was so powerful and you could feel the Holy Spirit move in the church. There were not many people there. I was expecting hundreds. Jodie started with her testimony before doing a call for salvation. After church people were given the option to go to the waiting area for the doctors or go the prayer stations. At the end of each service, we went to were sets of chairs were grouped and we prayed for people. This is not something we have done in Karamoja or Usuk. I enjoyed this time with people. When we did prayers after the first two services, Abby and I prayed for people together. The Second Lady, Annette, we prayed for I believe was possessed. She has these specific dreams that we a sign to us to have Jodie come pray over her with us. When we were done praying, Jodie looked back into her eyes and told Annette they were different. She could tell the lady had been set free. A couple services later, Spencer was leading the prayer for the Holy Spirit. As soon as he said the Holy Spirit would be the only spirt inside of you, Jodie at the same moment Jodie touch a lady to pray for her. That lady and another lady started having demons manifest. The two ladies started spinning like tops before they ended up on the ground. Many of us were there to pray for them and anoint them with oil. Both ladies were set free from their possession. More happened in those moments that I will probably never forget. Between our team and the Ugandan team, there were no major injuries during this. In th next group of people, I prayed for a lady and her child. Her story was heart breaking, but sadly a common story in Uganda. Her husband left her and their for another woman. She said he does not love their child, but loves the other woman’s child even though it is not his. She was so emotional and trying not to cry. I just kept my hand on her shoulder and told her she was so strong. She wanted prayer for their marriage and for the daughter. I did pray for their marriage, but I also prayed for forgiveness. That she would forgive him. Most importantly, I prayed for the girl to feel loved. Not just by people, but loved by God. That she would also feel loved by people, but not search for that love in the wrong places. Their stories were heartbreaking. Just like many if not most people in the USA. There were many times I wondered if, during the prayer, if I was also prophesying over kids lives and the personalities they would grow to have. For example, I prayed for the loving spirit one girl would have and I prayed for the witness a couple of them would be. And so on.  I did not understand why I prayed those specific prayers.  I can only hope they were from God. Sometime during clinic, papa Moses asked if I would move to Uganda. I chuckled and told him that “many people at home ask me this same question before and after every trip. If I feel called to move to Uganda, I would love to move there. I do not feel called to at this time. I was also called during the last trip to lead girls Bible study, so I do not think it is time.” His response was, “callings can change fast. I will be praying go God that he has you move here.” It was such a funny and sweet moment.

When we arrived back at the house we had a team meeting. Here we talked about the day and highlights. Papa Moses asked me to record a video for my brother so he could tell him to come back to Uganda. In the end, he told Ben he looked like father Abraham because of his beard. He also recorded a video for my sister in law asking her to help Ben pack his bags for next years trip. I tried to FaceTime Ben, but he was unavailable. I then found Lany and had her teach me how to bucket wash my clothes. I realized the first half of them were not rung out good enough because after I hung them there was good size piles of water. So, I squeezed them out a little more.  During the clothes washing, Ben FaceTimed me. I was able to have him talk to papa Moses, Ivan, and Linda also. It was so cute. They all asked him when he is coming back. 

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