Uganda 2024 Day 9

Today I woke up at 5 AM. I went to the kitchen at 5:30 to help with breakfast as we have breakfast at 7. There are many people to cook for so it takes a long time. It is not just a 22 members of our team, but also many of the Ugandan group. It is so fun to help mama Esther and Sarah in the kitchen. I did not do much, but the time in there was fun.  After breakfast we went to Rupa where the clinic is held. We met as the full team and had morning prayer and worship. This time is always so special and this year we have really felt the presents of God. I love that JoAnne has us worship and pray together before clinic starts. It is such a special time together and with God.  

I was in church again today. At this point, I am sure Jodie or Tony convinced JoAnne to put me in church every day. Starting last year, they were excited to have me there with them sharing messages. I do enjoy being in church service. The singing and dancing by the young ladies is fun. I usually try to dance along, but am not very good at it. I was trying to dance along one time and thought I was doing pretty good, but then the lady (who I assume leads them) told me to have the girl next to me show me the moves. Obviously this white girl does not know how to dance. At least I had fun and entertained the kids and some adults who were watching me. I might have already said this, but one of the best parts m about church is we end before everyone else. That means I can still go to the kids program. They are so cute! I enjoy watching them play the games the crazy muzungu’s bring them. There is so much laughter and cheering. If you pull your camera out and take a selfie with one of them, you will instantly have 5 there, then 15, the 30, etc. they also ask for photos to be taken. Then they pose. I try not to distract too much from what is happening when I am there.  At one point I went and stood next to Sam (Bus driver) and Sam (safari driver) who were sitting in the shade. Bus driver Sam stood up and told me to take his seat. I told him I was fine, but he said he had to go do something. I finally caved and sat down. Then he just stood there because he has nothing to do. Sam has learned to manipulate me. Safari driver Sam said that bus driver Sam was commenting on how I never stop moving and serving. That is why he wanted me to sit so bad. It made me feel good that I was not to stubborn this time. Bus driver Sam and I have such a fun relationship. He is a great guy and I am happy he is part of the team. Last year I made him give me a morning hug. This year, I usually got more than one hug. I would also gently punch him in the arm as I walked by sometimes, so after a few days of being in Uganda he could tell when it was coming and tensed up. He would also punch me. He is one of the guys I miss the most when we leave. 

One more thing we did that was exciting is handing out hygiene kits to girls 12-18 that are part of pastor John’s housing or pastor Linos housing. Algena talked about how a period happens and what it means when you are on your period and prayed for the girls before we handed out the kits. Included in the kit was a ziplock bag, soap, panties, a pad that snaps around the panties, and two insert that can be washed. There was giggling that happened a few times. Especially when algena mentioned sex. On the other hand, the girls were so excited. There was cheering and clapping a few times. When we handed them their bags, they immediately opened them and looked at everything. One of the ladies in my church and her friend helped make these kits. Usually we have many more than we had this year, but it cost to much to buy them and not many people are willing to sew them. We had to leave right after this. Everyone had already loaded into the vehicles. That meant I got to stand up in the party bus! Well, there was actually a seat I could have been in, but I wanted to stand. John Basco and one of the other guys kept trying to get me to sit, so I finally had to let John Basco know that I am stubborn and was doing to stand. I think he tried one more time after that before giving up. The bus becomes a party bus when many of our interpreters are there. They have Sam play the music loud. Then we dance and sing during the drive to the hotel. I love riding in the party bus! It is a good time of fellowship and fun.

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