Uganda 2024 Day 2

We finally left Kigali and arrived at the Entebbe airport around an hour later. God blessed us this trip with no bags being taken at the airport. All the bags actually arrived from Seattle too. We heard that had been an issue with them hand writing luggage tags in Seattle due to the cyber security attack. It was so good to see Martin, Ivan, Sam and a couple of the other guys when we walked out of the airport. It is the best homecoming I could ask for! JoAnne looked at a couple of the new people, when us oldies were greeted with extra big smiles and hugs, and said, “that will be you guys next year.” Once all the greetings happened and our bags were loaded, we drove to the guest house that is somewhere around an hour away. JoAnne had us meet in the living room before we did anything else. She gave is general instructions and our room assignments. This year I am rooming with Algena, Lisa, and Sharddha. As it was only around 5am by this point we took our bags to our room, some people showered, and then we got to work packaging the medications for clinic. We did this for a while before heading to quality (the store). There we were able to exchange our money, get coffee if wanted or shop if wanted. Next on the agenda was the rehabilitation center. There we met with the director before visiting the kids. We did music, shared messages, and three of our guys did a soccer game with a few of them and one of the soccer balls we were leaving there. They were all having so much fun! Other than the fact that I was struggling to stay awake, it was hard to leave. Once back at the house we found our four missing team members had finally arrived. Jodie, Dr David, Bethany, and Will’s flights had come in while we were gone. It was great to have the whole team there for dinner on the first night. We also had cake to celebrate Bethany’s birthday. From there we all went our own directions. Everyone was so exhausted that most people went to bed around 8. Ivan’s wife, Linda, had come and some of us ordered clothes from her. I ordered a dress and skirt from her. I gave her pictures of the general ideas for what I am interested in and requested a medium to dark blue and a deep red. She always asks for color ideas. I told Linda I trust her and she can decide which item is which color and any pattern. She did amazing with the first two skirts I bought in the past. By this time I was so exhausted I had to go to bed.

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